Saturday, November 1, 2014

I have the answer but

How do we release toxicity? We as humans are much like sponges. We soak up the dirt and grime of the world. All the negativity, all the positivity - we soak it up. If only there were more happiness spewed instead of insults, many of us would feel used less. Now of course I think all human beings have a purpose, no one or nothing is considered useless until used up. Have you ever tried to revamp a dirty house sponge? You can sanitize the sponge as much as you like. Pop it into the microwave every now and again and voila! The life of the sponge is extended. Now watch how pieces continuously detach onto neighboring surfaces, absorbing filth, yet decomposing along the way. Today I am falling apart. I have absorbed too much negativity, too little positivity and the feeling of being intact is no more. When too much of an outside source is absorbed it has to be purged somehow. And that, my friend, is where the big can of worms open.

      How do you purge? How can you become renewed without hurting yourself or others? We decrease our lifespan everyday by absorbing toxins. Some toxins have a physical form, some toxins have a mental form - both are human dissoluble. One tried and sure way to remove toxins is through discipline, healthy eating and exercise. I do feel a 10 day vegetable juice fast coming...that or me finally deciding to end this blog post and go to the gym. It is either one or the other. Doing both now would cause a sudden shock to my system and I don't want to wake up feeling too alkaline and too positive. Can you imagine me being this overwhelming ball of positive energy? Shame on you. Hopefully, a human microwave will be invented to zap out toxins without resulting in death. I'm in no rush, I can wait. I have the answer but this is more sensible.

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